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Vikrants Chohaan

Chief Instructor

Category :
French Course

Who Needs A1 Course

Advantages of A1 Course

French A1 Course

    • Alphabet and Pronunciation: Basic sounds of French, pronunciation rules, phonetic alphabet.
    • Greetings and Introductions: Common greetings (Bonjour, Salut), introducing oneself (Je m'appelle…), asking about names, and polite expressions (Merci, Excusez-moi).
    • Describing Yourself: Age, nationality, occupation (Je suis étudiant, Je viens de…).
    • Family and Friends: Describing family members (mon frère, ma sœur), talking about relationships.
    • Routine Activities: Daily routines (se lever, aller au travail), times and days of the week.
    • Time and Dates: Telling time, describing schedules, and discussing dates (aujourd'hui, demain).
    • At the Market: Vocabulary for common items (pain, fromage), asking for prices.
    • In a Café or Restaurant: Ordering food and drinks, asking for the bill.
    • Meals and Preferences: Talking about favorite foods, describing meals (le petit déjeuner, le déjeuner).
    • Ordering and Eating Out: Phrases for ordering in different settings, expressing likes and dislikes.
    • Hobbies and Interests: Discussing activities (lire, jouer au football), making plans (voulez-vous… ?).
    • Invitations and Social Plans: Extending and accepting invitations, making simple plans.
    • Asking for Directions: Simple directions (à gauche, à droite), describing locations.
    • Places in a City: Common places (la banque, le parc), navigating a city.
    • Present Tense Verbs: Regular verbs (-er, -ir, -re), some irregular verbs (être, avoir).
    • Articles: Definite (le, la) and indefinite (un, une) articles.
    • Adjectives: Basic adjectives (grand, petit), agreement with nouns.
    • French Customs: Basic etiquette, cultural norms (les bises, formal vs. informal speech).
    • French Holidays: Major French holidays and traditions (Noël, Bastille Day).
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