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Vikrants Chohaan

Chief Instructor

Category :
French Course

Who Needs A2 Course

Advantages of A2 Course

French A2 Course

      • Personal Experiences: Describing past experiences (mon voyage, ma journée).
      • Likes and Dislikes: Expressing preferences and opinions in detail (je préfère…, j’aime beaucoup…).
      • Routine and Schedules: More complex descriptions of daily life, talking about habitual actions.
      • Weekdays and Weekends: Detailed discussion of weekend activities, comparing different days.
      • Vocabulary for Travel: Common phrases for travel (acheter un billet, prendre le train).
      • Travel Plans: Discussing itineraries, making travel arrangements.
      • Medical Vocabulary: Common illnesses and symptoms (mal de tête, fièvre), visiting the doctor.
      • Health Advice: Giving and receiving health-related advice (prendre des médicaments, boire beaucoup d’eau).
      • Types of Housing: Describing different types of homes (appartement, Maison).
      • Renting and Buying: Vocabulary for renting or purchasing a property, discussing living conditions.
      • Job Descriptions: Discussing various professions and job duties (enseignant, ingénieur).
      • Work Environment: Talking about workplace interactions and experiences (réunion, collègues).
      • Events and Relationships: Describing social events (anniversaire, fête), discussing relationships with friends and family.
      • Social Networks: Vocabulary for discussing social media and online interactions.
      • Past Tenses: Usage of passé composé and imparfait for describing past events.
      • Future Tenses: Using futur proche and futur simple to talk about future plans.
      • Pronouns: Direct and indirect object pronouns (le, la, lui, leur), reflexive pronouns (se).
      • French Festivals: Major French festivals and their significance (Carnaval, Fête de la Musique).
      • Regional Differences: Introduction to cultural variations across France.
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